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History of Marijuana Access in the US

Presented by Clint Werner

About this module:

Marijuana is now accessible for medical use in over 34 state in the US. But it wasn’t always that way and early pioneers assisting people with HIV/AIDS helped open the door for compassionate use of marijuana.

In this interview with US author of the book Marijuana: Gateway to Health, Clint Werner talks about some of the key figures in the history of marijuana who risked their livelihoods to create the changes that we see today and what barriers still remain to access in the US.
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

  • Describe some of the key figures historically involved in assisting HIV/AIDS patients prior to legalisation of medical use of marijuana in the US.
  • Explain some of the past and present barriers to access to medical cannabis in the US.
  • Explain why the word ‘marijuana’ was misappropriated in the US.

Clint Werner

Clint Werner is a cannabis advocate and activist living in San Francisco, California. He has degrees in journalism and theatre and a Masters Degree in Library Science.

Clint became a medical marijuana activist and cannabis science researcher while caring for friends during the AIDS crisis. He wrote and published Marijuana Gateway to Health: How Cannabis Protects Us from Cancer and Alzheimer’s in 2011. 
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